Monday, January 19, 2009

Turning a new leaf, so to speak...

I have decided to focus on teaching - starting a class Saturday mornings (I still have some room left) and I want to be a botanical artist! I've joined the Botanical Artists of Southern California and ordered a number of books to help me get started. So far, I'm just painting what I want (not following the rules yet) and here are a few examples. 
Please come to the group exhibit at La Galeria Gitana - It starts January 31 and runs until March 28th. Check out my website for details.
This image on the left is underway...all of these plants are Nepenthes (tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups - monkeys have been seen drinking from them!) I am having so much fun. 
Below is an orchid. I'm looking for it's proper name. It's not finished yet either.

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